Sunday, February 20, 2011

Super Hero

Well, I did it. I hopped over to Get Your Sketch On (by the way, love it there) and decided to play along.

One thing that I have noticed ~ and this is my first week playing ~ is that I need creative time.

It's refreshing, rejuvenating, relaxing. And I know that all these things are important in keeping my sanity here at home with my three wonderful kids under-foot. People may think I'm crazy having 3 kids 3 and younger, but I love it. Yes, it is hair-raising & stressful at times. But I know that this is what I've always wanted & I believe that I am living out part of the purpose that God placed me here for. My hubby & I often joke at the end of an exhausting day that "we're livin' the dream!" And truly we are.

Here's my sketch with my Boy Wonder. I laughed so hard this day. And the laughter adds so much to our lives.

He was running around with his new Super Hero cape from Christmas & came buzzing into the kitchen with his new bike helmet in hand, needing help from Mom to get the strap done up so he could run off and save the world. As I was doing up the strap, his eyes sparkled as he said "cuz' you know, sometimes a Super Hero needs a helmet!" Yes, my son. Sometimes they do.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Brand New Day

yeesh, here I sit & it has almost been a year since I have posted. Unbelievable! This year I really hope to jot down more of my life & more of my projects here... I am looking forward to an upcoming retreat where I can focus on some projects... But for now, my 3 little ones are calling. *Sigh* I'll have to try again another day...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring is in the air...

Well, April is here, and again too much time has passed since I have written last. I do have good reasons though...

My DH and I are finally in our new home. The move went well about 3 weeks ago, but we still wade amongst boxes. I was sick with a cold for part of a week and can't seem to quite catch up on that much needed rest.

Ev & Meg are growing quickly. They continue to 'help' unpack which is another reason why I haven't had time to sit and chat.

Ahhh, life continues to bless me. We had an ultrasound yesterday. All is well and I'm over half way there. May God continue to bless this new little life.

Maybe I'll be able to create something soon..... maybe.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Cheers to creativity! Here is the LO for the card of the week from Get Sketchy. I had a completely different card in my head when I started - but I am happy with how this one turned out. (Although I forgot to use my the fine print, Nicki.)

I have enjoyed and evening of listening to the TV in the background - Dragon's Den to be precise - sitting at my desk getting my card ready for Friday. I find it challenging to sit down on a regular basis - I am sure we all have things that keep us on our toes. For me, it is two sweet kids who keep me hopping so that I often feel a little pickled at the end of the day.

Evan made me laugh... again. Yesterday he had me running for the camera as he had put his sister's teddy bear in time-out corner. Complete with it's nose against the wall. He had me wondering what the poor bear had done wrong - but before I could get a shot of the action, he was off and running - bear in hand. Yep, my boy makes me smile.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I'm Baaack!

Phew! I feel horrible for not posting in such a long time. Everyday, I think about getting down to the computer to write at least a few words... It just doesn't seem to happen. But, I have decided that this is gonna change.

This last weekend I was able to get together with my sister and have some much needed creative time. My mom and dad were able to watch the kids - bless them! And I was able to putter. I realized that the puttering is important to me. I need the creative outlet... It helps me unwind, it helps me focus, it brings me joy. So, I have decided that I should use my time in more constructive ways - and voila, here I am.

So, I am back at Get Sketchy, oogling all of the cards made, and want to add my 10cents. Here is my take on the most recent challenge. I tried to get the patchwork look using stamps instead of cutting paper. The cardstock was white when I started... I really like how it turned out and plan to make more of these in other colours.

Oh sheesh, now if I could just figure out how to turn my photo so it is right side up... It's not sideways in the folder... seriously.

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Time Flies...

How is it that 2 months have passed since my last post? Time seems to fly way too quickly.

Evan and Meg are both napping, and I am sure there are a million things that I should be doing. Okay, this is not fair. They were napping... So much for the update.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Get Sketchy...

Get Sketchy's third challenge is a 'good-er.' I have enjoyed looking at all of the entries - there are sure some amazing ladies out there!

My card went together fairly well, I think... The moon is a circle stamp using Bleach. I love the mottled look that is achieved. Anyway, I am excited to see what their challenge is next week... Thanks, girls at G.S. - for keeping me in the creative seat.